Hunting \ Kyrgystan

Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia, and primarily known as a mountainous country. It is a country very popular among tourists. From the north it borders with Kazakhstan, in the east of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, while the south of China. The total area of Kyrgyzstan is 198.5 km2. Capital city is Bishkek. The largest cities are Osh (300,000 people) and Karakol (64,000 people). Inhabited by a total of 4 546 055 people, among them – 58% of Kyrgyzstan, 18% Russians and 24% representatives of other nationalities. Bishkek is a modern city. There is an international airport in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan can reach to well-known airlines – British Airways, Turkish Airlines.
Kyrgyzstan has long been known as an excellent country for hunting in the mountains, mainly in Siberia, Ibex and Marco Polo Argali. In addition to these very popular hunting, you can also hit the Siberian roe deer, wild boar and many other interesting animals. Siberian ibex from Kyrgyzstan belong to the subspecies’ Central Asian ibex. » This species lives only in the Tien Shan, Pamir and Altai in the chain. Kirgistańskie ibex is one of the largest in the world gained. Marco Polo Argali (mountain sheep) with Kyrgyzstan, with few exceptions, are not as big as the same sheep from Pamir in southern Tajikistan. There are, however Argale with antlers at 130-140 cm long. There were also sheep with antlers with a length of 152-160 cm.
The population of Siberian ibex and Marco Polo Argali are so strong that only one view of the huge antlers ibex in the center of the magnificent mountain landscape fills the heart catching satysfakcią and happiness, and you forget about all the hardships of travel and hunting that just appeared.
We guarantee a 90% success in the autumn and winter, 100% success. Of course, if the hunter wants to hunt and bring enormous ibex, should prepare their forces for such a great effort. Good physical condition is very important at the hunters. The team of hunters with a guide leaves the camp to hunt for a few days. In general, horses are used as transport, and continue your journey continues by tracing.
Guides set the temporary camps where spezają catching all the time between hunts. We expect seven days of hunting with very good weather. As a rule, however, end up hunting after 3-4 days. After hunting the hunters return to camp.